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“The Hanging Bridges of Chulilla" hiking route

tiempo 9h
idiomas Spanish, English, Russian
servicio de recogida Pickup service
En función del tiempo Depending on the weather
An excursion between the canyon walls that will put you in direct contact with one of the most characteristic landscapes of the Valencian Community.


Recently built (2013), the history of these bridges is much more distant than one might think. It all began in the 1950s, with the construction of the Loriguilla reservoir, in the midst of the boom of the reservoirs, during Franco's time. The population of Chulilla increased thanks to the construction of the reservoir, as most of the workers who came from abroad stayed in Chulilla at that time. It was then that they decided, in order to shorten the distance they had to travel between Chulilla and the reservoir, to build two bridges: a suspension bridge and a fixed bridge, which allowed them to cross the Turia canyon in less time. But after the flood that reached Valencia in October 1957, the water flow that crossed the Turia canyon was such that it took the two bridges with it and it was not until 2013 that the initiative was relaunched to remember and remember those bridges that were devastated by the flood and to promote tourism in the town and the surrounding area. The highest bridge has a height over the river of approximately 15 metres, not suitable for those who are afraid of heights, and a footbridge length of approximately 21 metres. Nowadays Chulilla is considered one of the most visited tourist attractions in the province of Valencia and this is largely due to the impressive hiking route along the river Turia called "Ruta de Los Calderones" or "Ruta de los Puentes Colgantes".

What we are going to do?

We will do a 16km guided hiking route through the path of Los Puentes Colgantes de Chulilla, in the Valencian Community. It is a full day experience, departing from Valencia at 9.30am and returning at 6pm. It is a route of medium difficulty and technical level, with wide and comfortable trails to walk, with little slope (400 meters), which makes this route an experience suitable for all audiences. We will meet in Valencia to travel to Chulilla in a minibus. Once there, we will have a coffee on the terrace and we will start the walk of about 4 or 5 hours.


Valencia – Chulilla – Valencia

What's included?


Professional guide

Accident insurance

Liability insurance

What should I bring?

Water (1.5 litres)

Food (picnic)

Hiking shoes

Hat and sun cream



The experience optionally includes hotel pick-up. Once the booking has been made, please contact us by e-mail to request the pick-up service.

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Cancellation policy

Free cancellation up to 48 hours before the activity starts. If you cancel under this time or do not show up, you will not be refunded.


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